Project Overview
The proposed Kapterol-Mbale 132 kV Transmission Line (TL) will pass through Kween, Bulambuli, Sironko, Bukedea, Butebo and Mbale districts, approximately 200 km northeast of Kampala. The Mbale substation will be located at Mbale Industrial Park, east of the city centre, while the Kapterol substation will be in Kroya village, Kween district, close to the town of Kapchorwa. The proposed project consists of the following main components:
- Mbale – Bulambuli 132 kV transmission line (TL 1), with a length of approximately 63 km
- Bulambuli – Kapterol 132 kV transmission line (TL 2), with a length of approximately 13 km
- Mbale 132 kV substation (to be included as an extension to the Mbale Industrial Park substation)
- Kapterol 132 kV substation
TL 1 traverses the districts of Mbale, through Sironko to Bulambuli district, is approximately 60 km and terminates at Atari in Bulambuli District. TL 2 is approximately 13 km and will connect TL 1 with the planned Kapterol Substation in Kween District.
Scope of Work
KFW contracted Multiconsult Norge As to undertake an ESIA for the proposed Mbale – Kapterol 132 kV Transmission Line and Substations for UETCL. Multiconsult Norge AS subsequently subcontracted aspects of the study to Proess.
Services Offered
- Stakeholder engagement.
- Socio-economic Assessment.
- Cultural Heritage Assessment.
- Biodiversity Assessment.
- Terrestrial Flora.
- Terrestrial Fauna.
- Hydrology.
- Climate Change Assessment.
- Air Quality and Noise Assessment.
- Waste Management / Pollution Control.
- Occupational Safety and Health.
- Traffic Assessment.
- Land Surveying.
- GIS and Geo-database Development.

Location: Mbale, Butebo, Bukedea, Sironko, Bulambuli, and Kween District (Eastern Uganda)
Client: Multiconsult Norge As / Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited (UETCL)
Period: November 2020 – May 2022