Project Overview
The Kagera water supply infrastructure is proposed to improve water supply production and transmission for Mbarara urban district and a part of Isingiro district. The water treatment plant is on the banks of Kagera River. The project is implemented by National Water and Sewerage Corporation which has assigned Cabinet MERLIN / ILF Joint Venture the detailed design and work supervision for Kagera Water Works.
As part of the detailed design and work supervision for Kagera Water Works, Proess was engaged to carry out a bathymetric survey for the Intake area along the Kagera River.
Scope of Work
Bathymetric Survey for the Intake area.
Services offered
- Used a well-calibrated RTK (Double and Single Station GPS Unit) and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) to carry out the survey.
- Established new control points on-site by making static observations.
- Conducted a bathymetric survey along the river profile, focusing on where the planned Intake was proposed to be.
- Surveyed the different cross-sections as proposed by the client.
- Recorded water levels.
- Made flow velocity and discharge measurements at different cross-sections.

Location: Isingiro District, Western Uganda
Client: Cabinet MERLIN
Period: October 2019 – September 2020